I am co-author of the German World Cycling Guide! 780 pages for bicycle travelling nomads!
Latest edition! The major guide for all those who plan to cycle America, Africa, Asia or Australia. It provides descriptions of touring options in
more than 100 countries with incredible loads of road and travel informations. 780 pages (in German!) for bicycle travelling nomads!
Albania | Argentina I, II, III |
Armenia | |
Austria | |
Belarus |
Belgium |
Bolivia | |
Botswana | |
Cambodia | |
China | |
Cyprus | Czech Republic |
Denmark | |
Finland | |
French Polynesia | |
Germany |
Great Britain |
Greece | |
India I, II | |
Iraq | |
Kenya | |
Kyrgyzstan | |
Latvia | |
Liechtenstein | |
Luxembourg | |
Malawi | |
Moldova | |
Mozambique | |
Nepal |
Netherlands |
Norway | |
Poland | |
Romania | |
Rwanda | |
Singapore | |
Slovenia | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Syria | |
Tanzania |
Thailand I, II, III |
Turkey | |
Ukraine | |
Zimbabwe |
Bike touring links